Electric Power Networks protection, distribution and management system
Custom-built Low Voltage Switchboards designed according to IEC60439-1 and IEC61439-1, 2 available up to 6300A with Short-Circuit Withstand Capacity up to 100kA. It is also available in different forms (Form-1 to Form-4) suiting customers' needs and applications with creative design to ensure safety, power-saving and simplicity.
Power Stations monitoring, control and protection systems
Available in different forms suitable for customers' needs and applications
Custom-Built low voltage MCC panels, (Form-1 to Form-4)
Starters Types
Direct On Line - DOL
Star-delta with electro mechanical interlock and digital timer.
Soft starter.
Variable Frequency Drive.
Incoming power monitoring and trip including, phase sequence, phase loose.
Over/under voltage and over/under frequency.
Earth leakage alarm and trip.
Microprocessor based power monitoring module with ModBus interface.
Main incomer fused indication lamp.
Automation Systems
(PLC, SCADA, BMS, Home Automation) and Industrial Communication Systems: (Fiber Optic, GSM)
Solar systems
On Grid & Off Grid Systems
Solar Pump Systems
Lighting Control Systems
HVAC control systems
Chiller plants, AHUs, FCU, Economizer systems...
Fire isolation systems
Supply and Fresh air control, Fire Zone air pressure Isolation, Staircase safe evacuation system, Generator set room isolation systems, Car park exhausting and isolation systems